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10 Dec 2022
For an experiment I wanted to create some voxel-models in Magica Voxel and use them with the Bevy game engine. The problem I encountered was that my model did not have the the same colors in Bevy. This post is to hopefully help anyone who attempts the same.
10 May 2018
For a long time I have wanted to add some sort of back-lighting to my desk. I finally devised a realistic plan, which I will write about in this post.
You can tell by my previous posts that I enjoy toying with LED strips. I’m really fond of LED because they’re fairly cheap now days, and they are also fairly easy to interact with. You can use and Arduino, a Raspberry Pi, or even a remote control if micro-controllers aren’t your cup of tea.
I have also been experimenting with the Prusa i3 MK3 3D printer at school, so I felt this project gave me a real excuse to utilize it.
22 Jul 2017
When I write a python script, or package I often use lots of print()
statements and logging-functions to give med feedback on what the state of a variable is. I then change some part of the code and run the script again…
04 May 2017
This was a project I did in March of 2016. The project goal was to be able to visually visualize music, and to give a shot at implementing some beat detection.
04 May 2017
This was a rather time consuming project I did in April of 2015. This was a project where the goal was to visualize music on an LED-strip.
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